Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Wolfman Cometh...

What a marvelously busy Friday!  Morning festivities at Sunset Station with Jackie, Patty and Pat...lots of laughs that spilled over into brunch with a drunken waiter (actually, it probably really WAS the cold medicine he told us he took), who provided us with even more laughs.  Then, it was off to the movies with my daughter.  Ended the day watching all of the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics (right up to the glitch in lighting the torch...Wayne Gretsky's facial expressions were priceless, as he waited) - a full day, for sure, and a great one, at that.

The Wolfman opened yesterday, and I never turn down the opportunity to see a good, scary movie (actually I've seen some bad, scary movies too...I'm not too picky).  Jaci won't usually watch those with me, but told me that she would go because "werewolves aren't real, like ghosts", silly girl (of course, they're real!).  Actually, she went for Benicio del Toro - Anthony Hopkins was wonderful, too, as he always is.  Blood and gore in this one (don't say I didn't forewarn you...actually it was nothing more than your standard "werewolf violence" on the ratings chart), along with some pretty great special effects...scenery was dark and beautiful.  Yeah, I guess I liked the flick - two thumbs up!

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