Friday, March 5, 2010

Caviar and Cigarettes...

...Well versed in etiquette...Extraordinarily NICE!  She's a Killer Queen...

I do have to laugh when I think back on a "funny" that my brother's sister pulled, years ago. That would have been to teach her kids, and mine (they were very little...all between the ages of about 4 and 7), the words that I just posted to "Killer Queen".  She told them that it was a song about her; that they had better get the words right; and made them sing it to her (mind you, she only taught them up to the point of "extraordinarily NICE", and it had to be emphasized just that way), along to the Queen recording, as we were driving in the car that day.

Wed. night found my music loving friend, Jackie, and me at another of the LV Hilton's tribute band evening of the music of Queen as performed by Queen Nation (those are the original boys up there), who put on an entertaining show.  Before the concert, I ran square into a darling gal I haven't seen in a few years -  Anna Maly, her husband, mother-in-law, and her precious little Joslyn, were all there for the show, too...hope you guys had a great time!   Dinner and drinks with a dear friend; running into a sweet face from the past; followed by some pretty wonderful tunes - who could ask for a better evening out? 

...Gunpowder, gelatine...Dynamite with a laserbeam...Guaranteed to blow your mind!

As Elizabeth would say, "Keep Calm and Cary Grant Carry On".

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