Wednesday, June 30, 2010


..."Where the streets are not marked.
Some windows are lighted. But mostly they’re darked.
A place you could sprain both your elbow and chin!
Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in?
How much can you lose? How much can you win?"...

Old Town Albuquerque was next, down our road of travels...the morning started with Mom taking a tumble on the cobblestone walk, directly in front of where the Indians were setting up shop that morning.  Very thankfully, her ego took the biggest hit - a few bumps and bruises later (and she went ALL the way down), she was up on her feet, dusting herself off and back to her chipper self - though embarrassed enough to stay away from "that side" of the street.
The sign in the park with the gazebo (each and every little town we hit had a gazebo in the park in the middle of town) gave information on what was and was not allowed for your amusement.  Seems that this one may have had a bit of a previous problem with javelin throwers...I don't know why it tickled me so, but it did.
San Felipe de Neri - the oldest church in Albuquerque.  Sits right across from the little park with the javelin throwing - probably a good thing it is there.
By lunchtime, Mom (Barb) had worked up quite an appetite from the fall, so we stopped to have more Mexican food (I doubt that you could ever get too much!) margaritas this time, as we wanted to make sure one of us could catch her if she fell, again...since we did such a bang-up job of helping her out with that the first time around (if she had fallen in front of this shop, we might have owned it by now)!  Food was delicious - The Church Street Cafe (actually it's not on the street, but in the alley, around the corner from the park).  No javelins in sight.  No javelinas, either!
Just some very beautiful sights - and if you stand still, just a split second long enough, it changes that quick!  We headed on down the highway to Gallup, later that afternoon, where we spent the remainder of the day traipsing through the local trading posts, having a non-Mexican food dinner (the only one of the trip), and spending the night.  Sedona was ahead of us the following day...

1 comment:

  1. Jeepers, I wish I could eat all that mexican food and still be twiggy like you! So sorry mom fell, hope she does not have any after effects! Let her know sometimes those margaritas sneak up on you and push you down! hee-hee!
