Sunday, May 8, 2011


"We never know the love of the parent until we become parents ourselves." -Henry Ward Beecher
Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~Elizabeth Stone

A little slow on the uptake today, as far as a blog post about my beautiful Mom, but I did manage a 7:00 a.m. phone call to CO.  Sounds like she and my Dad had a pretty wonderful day planned, in the mountains.  I dug out some old family photos and thought I'd post them on her special day...starting with her great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother; my Mom as a little girl, with her Dad, Mom and sister, Violet; Mom at various ages, and on through her first child - a beautiful, golden haired girl child who everyone in the family adored, cherished and lavished extravagant gifts upon...OK, me...and I lied about the gifts.  That's me with my own grandparents, bottom left.
"No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement." -Florida Scott-Maxwell.  (I am certain this quote pertains to my brother, and not me.)
And my own stab at motherhood - my best life work, to date (not that I intend to have ANY more kids) I guess that would make these lovelies my best life work, period....Louie and Jaclyn.

Sing out loud in the car even, or especially, if it embarrasses your children. ~Marilyn Penland

Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MOM (and to all who pass this way)!  Hope you won today...I've always been a winner in the Mom department!  Charlie is SO right...WINNING!  Love you LOTS!


  1. Beautiful photo's Tanya, make the most with your mother..I sure miss my mom today especially.

  2. What a sweet post chickadee <3


  3. Hey T, Happy mom's day! You did get make some cute kids! Your mom is awesome, so put together and elegant but down to earth too...and she likes to hang out and do things with you, you are a very lucky daughter!
    Enjoy the day!

  4. Hey, Missy!

    Hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day and the pictures are wonderful - I love looking at the old pictures and the pics of Louie and Jaquie, or how ever you spell it!!!!!!

    Happy Mommies Day!

  5. What a nice post... you have a wonderful way with words and pictures too!! Hope you had a great day sista from another mother!!! you loads!!!

  6. Tanya, such lovely photoes of your family, from dayes gone by- and your wonderful "kids"- well thay are alwayes our kids, young-or old.
    I had a wonderful day,too- like you.
