Tuesday, February 9, 2016


For anyone who knows me, THIS goes against every fiber of my being, but I couldn't pass on sharing the beauty of the Bellagio's newest installation in the Conservatory just because I'm a little (a LOT) creeped out by monkeys.  So, here's to you...for you...from me...it wasn't one of my favorite things photograph, but at least they weren't real.  They were real enough!
Like the proverbial elephant in the room - the lobby has a giant mirrored horse in the room!  GIANT mirrored horse, under the Chihuly glass ceiling.
Starting with the overall effect inside the Conservatory - will eeeeeeeeeeease into the simians.  Gigantic peaches and beautiful Chinese lanterns, suspended from the ceiling.
Chinese New Year officially started yesterday - the Bellagio Conservatory will celebrate with this beautiful display through March 12th.
Bromeliads in every color...
Mums and other fancifuls thrown into the mix, too.
Fancy flower children...
The floral designs in the clothing were impressive this year.  The children are elements from displays of years past.  They seemed happier this year, somehow.
But unaware of monkeys in the trees behind them...run, children!  Run with your little plaid lunchbox in your hands!  (That's a post of a different color, and for later in the week.)
Ponds of beautiful Koi...anything to keep my mind off...
"those" which were hanging overhead.  I don't think I've photographed a display quicker than this one!  7 FOOT MONKEYS!  SHUDDER!
And I commented, at the time, that I didn't know why there weren't MORE monkeys in this "Year of the Monkey" display.  I would have "monkeyed" the hell out of that display if I had been in charge. And then, I realized what I was saying.  Twelve were plenty!  I was uncomfortable enough.
It is a beautiful display, and a fitting tribute to the Chinese holiday, irregardless of the subject matter.  I would have done better with the Year of the Dog, undoubtedly!
You've got a little over a month to take it in, if you're in town.  If not, take my word for it, it's beautiful.  I will be going back one last time this week, to photograph the beautiful large American flag that was rehung a week after we visited this day - thank you, Bellagio!
Happy Chinese New Year - Happy Tuesday!


  1. You're a Brave Soul!

    The,y that will go unnamed, do look rather real.
    Beautiful display. Thank you for posting the photos. I hope you took a good rest, and did something nice for yourself.

  2. Haha! Those monkeys would scare the bejeebers out of me, too!

  3. I am so happy and grateful you braved those dreaded monkeys to share the beautiful Chinese New Year Bellagio display. At least they aren't flying monkeys.

  4. Love them monkeys!! Hope it is a good year! Can't wait to see what they put up and next and let's hope that flag is flying!!

  5. I have always loved the beautiful displays at the Bellagio- you are so lucky to live so close and visit often. Thank so much for always sharing their latest creations. I'm not a monkey fan either-- but the display is truly amazing. Their floral arrangements are amazing...
