Or, what I've been up to...a friend brought it to my attention last evening, that I have missed an entire month of blogging, and wanted to know if my arm was broken. I'm sure I've broken some very cardinal rules of blogging...no, my arm is not broken - in fact, it's been a very busy arm this past month, but it seems I've missed quite a few things, in the interim.
I missed my first born's birthday wishes on here...it was a grand 25th birthday (yes, I had him when I was 12), regardless of missing it on the blog...Happy Belated Blog Birthday, Louie! Though not on his birthday, this is Louie and my Joe, relaxing in the summer heat; and Louie and Big Papi/David Ortiz of Boston Red Sox fame, at his job this year.
Louie and his motley crew, after his arm surgery...I didn't blog about that either, but it was in July, and is all better now!
I missed Halloween...and I LOVE Halloween! My kids always had home made costumes (plus handing them through the neighborhood for years...the costumes, not my kids), and though I never expected it at this age, I am still getting the occasional request...two years ago it was actually to outfit him and his buddies as Motley Crue - this year it was the Jersey Shore gang...fist pump, push-ups, Chapstick. A grand time was had by all then, too, even though it didn't make the blog when it should have.
And I'm sure there's much more that I missed...just make it up and fill in the blanks. Imagine me some place wild and exotic, if you wish - that would be grand, too. But it would be a lie, and that brings me to this - what I've actually been doing with SOME of my boring, non-blogging time. This photo was posted, last month, as a potential outlet for some creative beading. I've been invited to share a booth at an upcoming show, with a dear friend who keeps me supplied in antique buttons. Yes, I would probably have to admit she's a "pusher"...but she doesn't seem to ever have to push too hard.

I've been transforming the tintypes from the prior photo, into these beaded creations...still not totally complete, and lacking neck chains (as they will all be pendants by the time I'm done), 16 of the 20 are completely beaded and "buttoned up"...the time consuming work, anyway. All buttons are antique/vintage; tintypes are all original (and sealed), from my collection of old photos; and the woman here has what just might have been the first "B-52", ever! That's her hair - not a hat!
Add to that, this second grouping below (plus 4 more, not pictured here) and yes, I've been keeping my mind and unbroken arm busy...if only to have an excuse for not keeping up to date on the blog.
In addition to the handmade chains, a few of these will, undoubtedly, be adorned with some of the beautiful dyed, acrylic flowers from
Vintage Meadow Artworks, as well. Finished photos will follow, before they are carted off to the show.
These women were all beauties...
While one here could have benefited from a good hairstylist. A beauty, nonetheless.
I've pulled photos already for an end of summer travelogue (something else I missed this past month), and promise to get back in the saddle again. Wishing you a creatively happy Thursday...