...1. A handbag; 2. A group; a bunch; 3. A brood of CHICKS, man; 4. To grasp and hold tightly – as in friends and family.
I’ll be heading back to Denver in a few weeks, to spend time not only with family, but also with a few old and new friends. In wanting to take a little something special with me, I have spent a busy week making sure these were "just so”.
I was able to meet up with an eBay acquaintance last summer…one that had previously only been an internet/phone friend. We fell into the easiest friendship ever, and it was so wonderful to be able to actually hug her in person, last summer. Joleen is like a sister to me, really.
This summer, not only is Joleen driving in from the eastern plains to meet up with me, once again, but another eBay friend and her sister – Chris and Angie – are driving in all the way from Missouri, to join in on the fun. We will be spending a few days at a beautiful resort/casino in the mountains (Central City), and I get to show the “flatlanders” a bit of the mountain scenery of back home.
No “boys” (this is a serious "Girl’s Trip") – no kids – just us (and probably some margarita drinking, induced BY the husbands and kids). Three of the bags are theirs, taking into account their favorite colors. Lots of custom quilting, handmade flowers, and vintage buttons – these were so much fun, knowing whom the chicks are that will be on the receiving end.
Another of the six I made is on its way to my friend Vida, in Reno, who is dearly missed in Vegas. She has a birthday this month – she will be 27, just like the rest of us. Happy Birthday, Vida Girl!
The fifth is for my sweet sister-in-law, Karla, who has a penchant for “kitschy” cowgirls. She recently sent me a killer pair of antique ladies gloves that will, undoubtedly, show up in an upcoming post.
The sixth bag I made for ME – a rarity. A special piece of bark cloth purchased on vacation with my folks last year, in Santa Fe, NM, that waited a full year for the perfect project – the tiny, vintage seashell owl pin/s came from my sister-in-law last summer, also. This is a pretty sedate bag for me…ask my clutch of friends!
I know these gals have had, and most likely would have, my back in a clutch situation…as I, for them. Here’s hoping you’re as lucky in your friendships! Classes start this week at Sew Obsessed, with lots of kickin', new ideas for the coming months - looking forward to getting back into teaching at this friendly and beautiful quilt shop! Happy Memorial Day...
16 hours ago