Monday, January 19, 2015


Welcome to 2015!  My January, for the past few years, has started with a trip back home to spend some holiday time with loved ones not so near.  The lights of Vegas at Christmas somehow pale without the reflective snows of CO - yes, I miss the seasons!  A few bright and shiny pictures seemed an appropriate start to a fresh new year.
All in ONE yard, this eye-popping display had everything but the kitchen sink (which may have been under the snow) ~ a nativity; Santa; Disney, Peanuts and Sesame Street characters; a working carousel; hot air balloon; Broncos emblem; a peacock; etc., etc., ETC.!  Not an exceptionally big yard, but optimal light use WAS made!
The downtown suburb hubs shone brightly!  Denver has a fun little "tradition", in that the Civic Center is lit for Christmas and the lights don't come down until the end of the National Western Rodeo and Stock Show, towards the last week of January.  Many of the residents around town follow suit, happily...  
And another festive soul had his own boastful "forest" of twinkling trees.  I was overjoyed the traditions are being followed, allowing me to wallow in the AFTER-Christmas merriment!
To all who happen by, I hope this New Year brings you health, love, happiness, and "BRIGHT AND SHINY" by the yard-full!