I'm participating in 2 Bags Full's PINK SCARF PROJECT~ a wonderful, year-long effort to gather pink scarves for Breast Cancer patients. My first instinct was to grab for my knitting needles...however, Vicki is collecting ANY scarves for the project - knitted, crocheted, store-bought, etc. I have been teaching my friend, Jackie, to knit, but she has told me she thinks she will never be able to finish a full scarf in time ~ and has already sent a store-bought beauty. Being a seamstress, first and foremost, got me thinking...Jackie sews too - how about an easy FABRIC scarf, for those that hate the thought of knitting?!
I knitted a Mobius scarf (the Infinity/Mobius scarves are a continuous loop, with a permanent twist built into them) similar to this a few years back, as a gift. I've never made another ~ yes, the hours involved were plenty. THIS, however, can be achieved in 45 minutes or less, start to finish...with THREE sewn seams (and 5-1/2" of hand sewing). I made four this morning, plus took photos as I went, all in under 2.5 hrs. So........here's how to do it.WHAT YOU NEED: 1 yard fabric and thread! That's it! Well, that and a sewing machine and necessities like scissors, pins, etc.
I used three 100% cotton fabrics for these, and one knit that reminds me of a top I had in the 70's. The cottons I chose were all soft to begin with (the one above is almost a "voile" - VERY lightweight cotton. Use what you love - I washed and dried my cottons before cutting, to make sure they softened up, and/or shrunk before they were used.
Cut TWO pieces 20" wide X 36" long.
Lay these two pieces, right sides together, and seam across one of the two short ends, using either a 1/4" or 1/2" seam. Press seam open on wrong side of fabric.
With right sides together, fold the now joined fabric piece (20" X 71.5", or so) in half LENGTHWISE (meaning you will have a long piece of fabric with a fold along one long side, and raw edges along the other long side - or 10" X 71.5").
Mark your long side (along the raw edge side) 3" in from each end. Start sewing at one of these marks/pins, and continue along long edge til you come to the other 3" mark. Press this seam open, centering it in the middle of the scarf, and not along the edge. Press just the seam - not the edges of the scarf.
Reach inside this tube and pull right side out.
Center your seam so that it is facing up (so you can see it), and down the center of the length of your scarf. Now for the "twist"...
Fold the left side length of your scarf UP, as shown.
Take the piece you folded UP in the last step, and fold it UNDER and DOWN. Should look like something like a backwards 7 at this point. It doesn't matter where you fold it, as long as you go up, under and down - this will add that "twist" into the scarf.
Bring your short, open ends in towards each other, as pictured.
Match your raw edges, right sides together (pinning if needed).
Sew seam across, from opening to opening edges.
After this seam is sewn, gently pull on scarf and your sewn end seam will roll to the inside, through opening left on end. Press seam allowances on this opening to inside.
Close by hand stitching opening (I use a ladder stitch, which ends up being virtually invisible...YouTube it!)
Your scarf will have a built-in "twist" to it...can be worn long, or twisted once or twice, and doubled over your head, for the short version. WINNING! A snap for everyone on your Christmas list ~ or join in the giving over at THE PINK SCARF PROJECT. Three of these are heading there tomorrow - the tutorial scarf will be in my daughter's Christmas stocking.
Addendum - 11/28/2012: My son's girlfriend was sporting a knit Infinity the other day, and mentioned that she loved them really long - hers was wrapped three times. SO...
This was made with a piece of soft, thin wool/polyester fabric - again, one yard. I cut it across the width of my 58" fabric, into 4) pieces 9" wide X 58" long - THIS GIVES YOU ENOUGH FOR TWO SCARVES! Constructed the very same way as the directions above (use only two pieces for each scarf), it left me with a finished scarf that is approx. 4" wide X 115.5" long (sewn into a round), and a few more options for styling.
Happy sewing!
What a fantastic idea. Love the fabrics that you chose. Gotta make some of these myself now.
I'm thinking a nice lightweight wool would suit me. Soon as I get the yard and other gifts done I'm gonna try this. Very well explained my dear. :D
Perhaps there is a way to use more than one fabric? Or I could just piece various lengths of wool together first?
I'll call for help when I get there lol
Wow! Your fabric scarves looks wonderful and are sew unique. How generous of you to donate to Vicki's efforts. I will too however haven't decided what I am creating yet. Thank you sew much for sharing this pattern how-to. I have some girls who might like these for Christmas. Blissful Sewing Dear...
Dear Tanya,
what lovely scarfs.
I know of those twisted ones,but only from the knitted ones- your fabric ones falls so beautifully when being twisted over the head twice.
Thankyou for your tutorial, sweet- I could imagine making one in stretchy material, for the posibility of wearing it tight around the head and ears, in my cold winter, arriving very soon. :-)
Pretty dang cute :)
Those are gorgeous! I can't wait to make one!! I hope it is that easy for me!! Will call if I get stuck! Thanks for sharing!
Oh how pretty! I love them Tanya - what a great idea. Pretty in pink is right!!!
So pretty! Thanks for sharing this tutorial!
Greetings from Tuscany - Italy
Mila :)
So pretty. A bit loopy with a twist is exactly how my family describes me btw.
Thanks for taking the time to do a tutorial for your beautiful scarf. I have some vintage drapey fabric that might work well. I think I'll try it.
Karmen (I read your mother's blog)
OMG--- my jaw just dropped! These are beyond gorgeous-- truly- I think I'm speechless. You are amazing and generous and creative and generous and talented and generous--- new "pink" stars in your already loaded crown my friend. I'm saying thank you-- but it does not begin to touch the way I feel---
Love you-
Love your scarves!!
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